Quotes from the Movie At First Sight

Some seeing eye dog, more like sleeping eye dog.

Virgil Adamson

I may not have been a lot of places - but I read about things, then make an image up here --(points to his head)--that works for me.

Virgil Adamson

Listening - the rain - it brings out the contours of everything, gives life to a room I can't see. You hear it?...on the roof dripping down the walls on every side. On the right, on the drainpipe, it's drumming with a deeper, steadier sound - - like a timpani - echoing across the room - tells me the room is large - open. You feel it - in your chest? On the left, the rain says...a fire escape, with it's own rhythm - ping - ping. Then listen - there...

Virgil Adamson

The world is invisible to me - with my touch it comes alive. But only one thing at a time. But when it's raining, I feel everything at once. Sometimes, I wish it could rain inside rain all around us.

Virgil Adamson

Of course, most people avoid the subject. You tell them you're blind and they act surprised. "You're blind? Really? I didn't know - you hide it so well." And then they wave their hand in front of your face just to make sure.

Virgil Adamson

Just for a second I felt like I could see you - all of you.

Virgil Adamson

Amy. I want the chance to see. The chance to see Central Park, the Brooklyn Bridge, apples, raisins, a buffalo, a carburetor and the man in the moon. But I would give all that up - just to see this face.

Virgil Adamson

This is just great - I don't believe this. What's that saying - stop the world I wanna get off.

Virgil Adamson

I feel like Rip Van Winkle. I've woken up from a thirty year sleep - and the world's passed me by.

Virgil Adamson

I was better off blind. People don't have these expectations of you you can't live up to. You're blind - fine - they deal with it.

Virgil Adamson

Growing up blind - I had two dreams. One was to see. The other - to play for the New York Rangers. After the 'miracle' of my short period of sight - I realize - I'd rather play for the Rangers. It's not that it was so awful - I saw many things - some good, some back some that I'm already forgetting. But I realized that our eyes aren't what make us see. We only live in darkness when we don't look - look at what is genuine about ourselves - genuine about others - you don't need eyes for that.

Virgil Adamson

I saw the horizon. It's out there. And though I may not ever be able to touch it, it's worth reaching for.

Virgil Adamson

I've spent the last five years of my adult life with a man who has the emotional content of a soap dish. The only time I saw him cry was doing our tax return three years ago. I need more than that, Betsy. For once in a long, long time I feel like I can breathe again. Just the way he touches me I know I found someone I can connect with.

Amy Benic

I can tell he's sensing everything about me with a simple touch. He listens to my every word as if it's the only sound on the planet - I feel like even though he can't see me, he knows everything about me. He just moves me - does that sound crazy.

Amy Benic

When there's something you've adapted to, accepted - you'd just want to change it without even thinking about it?

Jennie Adamson
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